Sunday, April 10, 2011

Scary To Do List

I think I may have over-committed myself, or at least gotten frighteningly close...
  • Revise article for regional journal, by end of April
  • Write book review for topical newsletter, by mid-April
  • Write short research note for topical newsletter, by mid-April
  • Write article for sub-field journal, no distinct deadline, but needs to be done, as I've been exchanging email with the editor.
  • Wrangle session for annual conference: participants confirmed, aiming for abstract submission for early May (hopefully I shall escape the curse of the 8am Sunday slot...)
  • Write my own abstract for the session.
  • Do research at OMGSuperCoolSite over the summer (June?) so that I have something to present at said conference; paper draft due mid-Novemberish
  • Write paper for regional topical symposium, mid-May
  • Skim notes for paper presentation at regional meeting, late May
  • Oh yeah, The Book....
Hm... it's a lot, but actually not too bad, once I get out of April. I must not say yes to anyone else or find something cool to distract me for a while, though....

1 comment:

a.nony.mouse said...

over-committed? I'm not sure I understand the meaning of this word....