Sunday, January 3, 2010

Mary Daly 1928-2010

I just heard that Mary Daly died today, January 3, 2010*. An early report can be found here.

For all the everything that surrounded Mary Daly and her work (really, too much to even touch on here), I am grateful for her writing. Reading Gyn/Ecology was one in a cascade of recent events that has rattled me to the core and made me take a good, serious look around.

I originally titled this RIP Mary Daly; but I don't expect she'll be resting peacefully, if her life was any indication. I expect she'll continue to stir the pot, rouse the rabble, smash illusions, and pull back the curtain... just on a whole 'nother level.

[* h/t Notorious]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh, I hadn't heard this. Sadness!!!